Wolfgang Kratsch studied Information Systems (B.A.) as well as Computer Science and Information Management (M.Sc.) at the University of Augsburg. After serving as research assistant for three years, Wolfgang gained his PhD at the University of Bayreuth in December 2020. In 2020, Wolfgang also co-founded the Fraunhofer spinoff credium, where he currently works as CTO. Since 2021, Wolfgang is additionally affiliated as postdoctoral researcher with the Research Center Finance & Information Management (FIM) and the Project Group Business & Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer FIT. His main research interests lie in predictive process monitoring, exploring data quality aspects in Event Logs as well as using unstructured data for process analytics purposes. When he is not at his desk, you may meet him somewhere in the mountains on his road bicycle, doing some ski tours or cross-country skiing, or in the summer at the beach volleyball court.